Sunday, July 26, 2020

Daily Catholic Reflection: July 27, 2020, Monday of the Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time, Year A

Reading 1: Jeremiah 13:1-11,
Responsorial Psalm: DEUTERONOMY 32:18-19, 20, 21
Gospel: Matthew 13:31 -35 Full Readings

 Making A Difference 

Today's Gospel presents to us another two images of how the Kingdom of God is like. First is that the kingdom is like a small mustard seed which was sowed in the field, grew up into a tree and birds rested in it. The second is that the kingdom of God is like the yeast which is put into the dough and it leavens it.
What does Jesus mean by these images? These images show the power of the kingdom of God.  The kingdom of God was brought by one-man Jesus Christ in a single small country of Israel but today one third of the world's population are Christians and Christianity is still spreading widely. That's the power of the kingdom of God. Furthermore as the tree of a mustard seed gives rest and shelter to the birds, so is the kingdom of God. It gives rest and shelter to those who find it and believe in Jesus Christ.

These images teach us that we, as little as we are, can make a difference just as a small mustard seed. Most times we tend to feel as though our lives are not nearly as important as others.  We can often look to others who are far more “powerful” and “influential.”  We can tend to dream about being like them.  What if I had their money?  Or if I had their social status?  Or if I had their job?  Or was as popular as they are?  Too often, we fall into the trap of the “what ifs"

The truth is that all of us are capable of bringing a huge difference in this world, in our lives and in the lives of others. The only thing we need is to be positive in life and trust and be faithful in the one who makes everyone successful in life. Mother Teresa once said that we are called to be faithful not successful. If we are faithful to God, God cannot surely leave us to fail. We shall surely be successful and we shall make a difference in life. Let us be optimistic and believe in ourselves that however small or little we are, we can make a difference.

The first reading Jeremiah also uses symbolic images to show how Israel will be punished for their disloyalty and abandoning God. Symbolic actions have always been a forceful way for prophets to illustrate and drive home their message. One remembers the symbol of the prophet Ahijah tearing his new cloak into twelve strips to symbolize the division of the tribes (1 Kings 11.29), or Agabus binding himself, hands and feet, to indicate Paul’s coming captivity (Acts 21.11). Such actions were favourites of Ezekiel, as we shall see in Week 19.

A loincloth which we see in the first reading is like today's underwear. It was clinging to the body and protecting the most private parts; it is the most intimate and personal of garments. Who would wear someone else’s underwear? So Jeremiah is indicating that the people of Israel are to the LORD the most intimate and personal possession, which should be clinging, so to speak, to the LORD most intimately and personally in a way which is almost too private to mention. It should be treasured, not rejected and spoiled. And yet this thing is to be deliberately ruined as a sign of the ruin of Israel.

Brethren, we have also been betrothed to God and very close to Him but He gives us freedom to do whatever we want even if we want to reject Him. However, we should know that God will leave also when we leave Him, and we can't be able to bring the difference we want to make in life. As God put us very close to Him, let us also put Him very close to us so that we will be successful in life and make a difference we want in life.

Reflect today on how you plan to make a difference or how you are making a difference in your life, in the lives of other people and in the world though very little as you are. Are you clinging to God so close as a loincloth? Pray for the gift of the Spirit to give you a discerning mind so that you will make the right difference.

Let us Pray.
Lord Jesus, I desire to make a positive difference in my life and in the lives of others despite the way I am. May you grant my desire by the help of your Holy Spirit who leads everyone to the right path. Amen

Be blessed.


  1. May I always remain close to God as i desire to make a difference in life

  2. I am happy to come to this blog. Great inspiration.
