Friday, August 7, 2020

Daily Catholic Reflection: August 8, 2020, Memorial of Saint Dominic, Priest, Year A.

Habakkuk 1: 12-2:4,
Psalm 9:8-9.10-11. 12-13,
Matthew 17:14-20 Full Readings

Saint Dominic

 How Big is Your Faith?

Today's Gospel gives us a challenge to reflect on how big our faith is. We see disciples failing to cast out the devil from a boy. And when they asked Jesus why they could not cast the devil away, Jesus responded calling them faithless and perverse generation and that it is because of their little faith that they could not cast out the devil, if they had faith big as the mustard seed they would even move mountains.

Today let us ask ourselves, Can Jesus also call us faithless and perverse generation because of our little faith? How big is your faith? We have all heard of the statement, have the faith which moves mountains, Do you have the faith that moves mountains? Today's Gospel tells us that if we have steadfast faith big as a mustard seed, the smallest of seeds, we can do anything in the name of Jesus.

Most times we pray and we see nothing happening, we don't get what we pray for or we don't bring any effects in the lives of people we are praying for. We may think God is not listening to our prayers or He is asleep. However this is not the case. Jesus tells us it's because of our little faith. More still, we may be praying badly or we pray for what is not good for us, for others and for the service of God. Perhaps today we should ask ourselves, How big is our faith?  Do we pray with real and genuine faith? Or do we pray to test God? Today's Gospel tells us that faith is the only thing for our prayer to bring effect is faith. Faith however is not a condition for miracles to be done nor is it as a result of miracles, faith is itself the power that makes the miracles or brings in effect our prayers. So faith is power we need for our prayer to effect.

The apostles go out and think they can cure people, but they forget the secret ingredient – faith. It is not the apostles who are doing the work; it is God working through them. Could it be that they had forgotten this fact and fell into presumption? How often do we have a great time at prayer, only to walk out the door and return to our self-centredness? We have no power aside from Christ. Put your faith into action. Make sure your actions are done with Christ and through Christ.  We cannot do anything without faith in Christ.

As we see in the first reading, sometimes, life presents us with experiences that are a great burden to our lives. Like the prophet Habakkuk, we question why evil persons thrive undisturbed and God is silent or he seems to delay judgment. Our inability to get satisfactory answers to our questions are caused by two basic problems. Sometimes, we question God and do not have time to wait for answers. At other times, we expect God to respond to our expectations. Today, we are being given the right attitude to all the burdens we bear. It is not enough to make your requests to God. We must keep waiting in great faith for God to answer our prayers.

Reflect today on how big your faith is. How have you put this faith in action? Pray for the Holy Spirit that whatever you do may be guided by faith and perseverance in the mission of Christ. 

Let us Pray.
Lord Jesus may I, by your grace, grow deeper and deeper in faith daily so that I may be able to do the same deeds you did when you were here on earth and what you are still doing in our lives. Amen.

Be blessed

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