Thursday, August 6, 2020

Daily Catholic Reflection: August 7, 2020, Friday of the Eighteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Year A.

Nahum 1:15; 2:2; 3: 1 -3.6-7,
PSALM Dt 32:35cd-36ab.39abcd.41,
Matthew 16:24-28 Full Readings

 The Greatest Investment
In today's Gospel Jesus tells us that whoever wants to follow Him should renounce him or herself and take up his or her cross and follow Him. He again tells us that whoever wants to save his or her  life at the expense of Jesus will lose it and whoever loses his or her life for the sake of Jesus will gain it, for what good is it for one to gain the whole world and lose his or her life? This encourages us to put our investment in Jesus. Where is your greatest investment?

Most times we think if we have money then we have everything and we can do everything we want but unfortunately this is only human thinking. We all have experiences of people who have money and have lost their lives, have lost their love, even with broken families and above all feeling lonely because of pride. It is possible that some can gain all the things they set their heart on, only to wake up suddenly and discover that they missed the most important things of all. Of what value are material things if they don't help you gain what truly lasts in eternity. Neither money nor possessions can buy heaven, mend a broken heart, or cheer a lonely person.

Jesus himself asks us a fundamental question; What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life? Or what can one give in exchange for his life?” In other words, Jesus is saying that it doesn’t matter how much money you make, or what kind of car you drive, or what kind of clothes you wear, or what type of degree you have. You might spend your whole life trying to earn millions of dollars and amass all sorts of luxuries and securities, but you will have done all this in vain without God. You will have missed out on the true meaning of life and the real treasure of love. Don’t make the mistake of continually trying to make life easier and more comfortable for yourself. You will only end up being hopelessly miserable and incredibly lonely.

Everything we have is an out-right gift from God. We owe him everything, including our very lives. It's possible to give God our money, but not ourselves, or to give him lip-service, but not our hearts. This is not good at all for us as His disciples. A true disciple gladly gives up all that he or she has in exchange for an unending life of joy and happiness with God. God gives without measure. The joy he offers no sadness or loss can diminish. This is what is expected of us.

Now if our greatest investment is not in all these worldly things, where is it? It is in Jesus, in following him by taking up our crosses, deny ourselves and follow Him. Jesus is not saying we should be poor or lose everything, remember even when you lose everything and even invite suffering to yourself, you will gain nothing if it is not for the sake of Jesus Christ. Jesus tells us to carry our crosses and follow Him. His cross is an easy one, that is, in this contemporary time is to follow His commandments and live all the Christian values. These commandments are summarised in one which is love. And so what Jesus implies is that in order to save our lives, we should give up our lives to love Him and our neighbours. With this we shall gain eternal life. 

Therefore, if you have plenty to share with the other as a sign of love, give back to God also though nothing can pay for the life you have. Remember, Faith alone is not sufficient to be saved. Even Satan and his devils believe — and shudder (cf. James 2:19). Let us reflect on the words of Saint James for further insight: “What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but do not have works? Can faith save you? If a brother or sister is naked and lacks daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace; keep warm and eat your fill,’ and yet you do not supply their bodily needs, what is the good of that? So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead” (James 2:14-17).

Our greatest investment then becomes to give up our lives to love God and serve His people. It's not by gathering the whole world for ourselves, or making a lot of money or hating our fellows but just in a simple way, to pick up our crosses and follow Jesus and surrender everything to Him.

Reflect today on where you have put your greatest investment, that which will give you happiness both here on earth and eternal life in the next life. Can you give up everything for the sake of Christ, to love Him and serve His people? Pray the Holy Spirit to enlighten your mind as you reflect on these questions.

Let us pray
Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding, and all my will, all that I have and possess. You have given them to me; to you, O Lord, I restore them; all things are yours, dispose of them according to your will. Give me your love and your grace, for this is enough for me. Amen  (Prayer of Ignatius of Loyola, 1491-1556) "

Be blessed

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