Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Daily Catholic Reflection: November 12, 2020, Memorial of Saint Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr, Year A

Philemon 1: 7-20,

Psalm 146:6c-7.8-9a.9bc-10,

Luke 17:20-25 Full Readings

Saint Josaphat

 The Kingdom of God is Here 

Brethren, What is the Kingdom of God and what does it entail? St Paul says the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Roman 14:17). Therefore, if we live in a just society and render justice in all that we do, we live in righteousness, that's holy life and in joy, peace, love and Harmony with one another, then we are already living in the kingdom of God.

The gospel passage of today is very pertinent to our contemporary time. Many preachers predict the end times to scare people to repentance. But Jesus cautioned his disciples against following such preachers. He made it clear that with the event of his coming, the kingdom of God is in our midst, in our hearts. Yet people did not understand and accept him.  

The Christians are those who have the capacity to forgive hurts and extend a hand of friendship to those who offend them. This is what we see in the first reading where St Paul appeals for Onesimus, the runaway slave. Forgiveness is one of the kingdom virtues which all of us have to practice and so we should learn from Philemon and also should follow the example of our Lord Jesus Christ in his forgiving love for the sinner.

Jesus also speaks of the Day of Judgment and God's final judgement. The "Day of the Lord" was understood in the Old Testament as the time when God would manifest his glory and power and overthrow the enemies of his people, Israel. The prophet Amos declared that the "Day" also meant judgment for Israel as well as the nations (Amos 5:18-20). The prophet Joel proclaimed that at this "Day" those who truly repented would be saved, while those who remained enemies of the Lord, whether Jew or Gentile, would be punished (see Joel 2).

Why did Jesus associate lightning with the "Day of the Lord"? In the arid climate of Palestine, storms were infrequent and seasonal. They often appeared suddenly or unexpectedly, seemingly out of nowhere, covering everything in thick darkness. With little or no warning lightning filled the sky with its piercing flashes of flaming light. Its power struck terror and awe in those who tried to flee from its presence. Jesus warned the Pharisees that the "Son of man" (a title for the Messiah given in the Book of Daniel 7:13-15) would come in like manner, quite suddenly and unexpectedly, on the clouds of heaven to bring God's judgment on the "Day of the Lord". No special sign will be needed to announce his appearance. Nor will his presence and power be veiled or hidden, but all will recognize him as clearly as the lightning in the sky.

Jesus identified himself with the "Day of the Lord." "Son of man" was understood as a Messianic title for the one who would come not only to establish God's kingdom but who would come as Judge of the living as well as the dead. Jesus points to his second coming when he will return to complete the work of restoration and final judgment. While we do not know the time of his return, we will not mistake it when it happens. It will be apparent to all, both believers and non-believers as well.

When the Pharisees asked Jesus what sign would indicate the "Day of the Lord", Jesus replied that only one sign would point to that day and that sign was Jesus himself. Jesus surprised the Jews of his time by announcing that God's kingdom was already present among them in his very person - the Son of God sent from the Father to redeem the world from sin and corruption.

Our hope is anchored in God's kingdom - not the passing kingdoms of this present world. In the Lord Jesus we see both the power and the glory of God's kingdom. His divine power overthrew the powers of darkness (the kingdom of Satan and all who opposed God's rule) and sin (which corrupts and enslaves the human mind, heart, and will to the forces of evil and wrongdoing). Jesus knew that the only way to victory was through the cross. On that cross he defeated death and canceled the debt of our sins. The victory of his cross opens the way for us to live as sons and daughters of God and citizens of his heavenly kingdom of peace, joy, and righteousness (moral goodness). Is your hope and future securely anchored to God's heavenly kingdom?

Let us Pray

Lord Jesus Christ, may your kingdom come and my your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Be the Ruler of my heart and the Master of my life that I may always live in the freedom of your love and truth.

Be blessed

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