Thursday, November 12, 2020

Daily Catholic Reflection: November 13, 2020, Memorial of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, virgin, Year A


2 John 4-9,

Psalm 119: I b,

Luke 17:26-37 Full Readings

Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini

 Be Ready for Final Day 

Brethren, how can we be ready and prepared for the final day? The first Reading gives us how to live prepared for this day, that is to live according to the commandments, which are summarised in love. The commandment of love of God and neighbour is the greatest of all commandments, says St John in today’s first reading. This is the way of Jesus and this is the true manner of living.

The unexpected nature of the coming of the son of man as depicted in the gospel is very frightening. This was portrayed by images of Noah and the flood, the days that two men will be sleeping on a bed, one will be taken and the other left, two women will be grinding together, one will be taken and the other left. The warning is not to frighten but to stimulate Christians to action. It is to motivate all to be prepared by living according to the commandments of God.

What can nature teach us about the return of the Lord Jesus on the day of final judgment at the end of the world? Jesus quoted a familiar proverb to his audience: Where the body is, there the eagles (or vultures) will be gathered together (Luke 17:37). Eagles, like vultures, are attracted to carrion - the carcass of dying or dead animals. The Book of Job describes the eagle spying out its prey from afar (Job 39:29). The eagles swoop to catch their prey when the conditions are right, especially if the prey is exposed and vulnerable to a surprise attack. Severely weakened or dying prey have no chance of warding off forces that can destroy and kill.

What's the point of the analogy of the gathering eagles and vultures? When the day of God's final judgment and vindication comes, the scene and location will be obvious to all. Those who have rejected God and refused to believe in his Son the Lord Jesus Christ will perish on the day of judgment - just like the beasts of prey who are cut off from the land of the living. The Lord Jesus will vindicate those who have believed in him and he will reward them with everlasting joy and happiness in his kingdom. The return of the Lord Jesus at the close of this present age is certain, but the time is unknown. The Day of the Lord's judgment and final verdict will come swiftly and unexpectedly. Jesus warns his listeners to not be caught off guard when that day arrives. It will surely come in God's good time!

The choices we make now - for or against Christ - will either lead us on the path of life or death - heaven or hell. God's Day of Judgment is a cause for great joy and reward for those who have waited with patient hope and longing for the Lord Jesus to return again in glory and power. The people in Noah's time ignored the Lord's warning of judgment because their hearts were hardened and they were rebellious towards God. When the great flood swept over the earth, they missed the boat, literally! Whose boat or safety net are you staking your life on - the world's life-raft to short-lived success and happiness or to the indestructible Ark of God whose foundation is Jesus Christ and his victorious cross? Those whose hope is firmly anchored in heaven will not be disappointed when the day of final judgment comes. They rejoice even now that their names are written in heaven (Luke 10:20) and they look with eager longing for the day when they will see the Lord face to face (Revelation 22:4). Is your hope firmly placed in the Lord Jesus and his return in glory?

Let us Pray

Lord Jesus Christ, I place all my hope in you because you have redeemed the world by your death on the cross and by your victory over the grave. Help me to never lose sight of the goal of heaven that I may live each day in joyful anticipation of your return in glory. Amen

 Be blessed

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