Thursday, February 4, 2021

Daily Catholic Reflection: February 5, 2021, Memorial of Saint Agatha, Virgin and Martyr

Hebrews 13: 1-8;

Psalm 27:,;

Mark 6 : 14-29 Full Readings

Saint Agatha

 Stand for Truth and Justice

Brethren, in the letter to the Hebrews, our first reading today, encourages us to have extraordinary hospitality, to welcome even strangers for by doing so some welcomed Angels, like Abraham, to pray for those in prison as though we were in prison with them, to guide our marriages by love avoiding all adultery and fornication, and following the examples of our religious leaders who preached the Word of God for Christ is same yesterday, today and forever. How are you ready to do these things? John the Baptist and Jesus did them, are you ready too?

In the gospel we see the beheading or passion of John the Baptist, a courageous man who stood for the truth and justice. His standing for truth and justice created hatred between him and Herodias and was finally beheaded due to this hatred.  From this Gospel, there are various aspects and teachings which we can learn as Christians.

The first is the courageous Witness to the truth and justice and also persevering up to the end in the mission which God has entrusted to us. Just as John Baptist was unable to give up because of threats from Herod and his wife Herodias, we too have to take up that courage to stand for the truth and for justice. This does not need being a politician or an activist or a religious leader, but everyone can do it starting from your family, village, church, at work, everywhere and the whole world at large. 

However, in the contemporary world, martyrdom like that of John might not be common but by withstanding the threats, difficulties, negligence, rejection and other consequences which come with standing for the truth, we are also participating in the passion of John Baptist and also in the passion of Jesus himself. This is done through the help of the Holy Spirit.

Secondly, it teaches us to avoid taking unnecessary oaths and making decisions out of emotions. The situation in which Herod took the oath of giving whatever his daughter would  ask was taken under high emotions. In most times decisions taken in  moments of extreme joy, or out of anger are not productive in any way. Even psychologists advise us not to make decisions in such moments.

Additionally, there should never be an oath or decision taken which is contrary to preservation and protection of human life and dignity. Even when it is already taken it has to be revoked. Human beings are created in  the image of God and so it is only God who can take and give life. Herod had all authority to revoke his oath and save John Baptist but out of his pride and showing off, he let John Baptist be beheaded. This should not be the same with us as Christians and all people in general. 

Reflect today on how you are ready to courageously stand for Christ, for the truth and for justice. Are you able to point out injustices in the society and challenge them with the wisdom that God gives? May St John Baptist pray for us to get that courage that enabled him to stand for the truth. 

Let us pray.

O God, who willed that Saint John the Baptist should go ahead of your Son both in his birth and in his death, grant that, as he died a Martyr for truth and justice, we, too, may fight hard for the confession of what you teach. Amen

St Agatha, pray for us. 

Be blessed

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