Friday, February 5, 2021

Daily Catholic Reflection: February 6, 2021, Memorial of Saint Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs

Hebrews 13:15-17.20-21;

Psalm 23:1-3a. 3b-4.5.6;

Mark 6:30-34 Full Readings

Saint Paul Miki and Companions

 Resting in and with Jesus.

Brethren, in the first reading, we are encouraged to obey our leaders and follow what they tell us if it leads us to communion to God. We see the good example of the disciples of Jesus who obeyed what he was telling them as their master and they became great. In today's Gospel he tells them to come and rest with him but it was not possible because the crowd was much and looked like sheep without a shepherd, and so Jesus and his disciples had to attend to them, teaching, and preaching to them the good news in spirit and truth.

Jesus had sent his disciples on a mission and the disciples opened their hearts to share their experiences with Christ: their challenges, the miracles, the excitement, and the changes brought about in their own selves. Like the disciples, we recap our daily experiences every evening as we share our joys and struggles and look for signs of his accompaniment throughout that day. Some days, we thank him for the miracles we witnessed; other days, when we feel the cross more poignantly, we thank Jesus for the suffering he has allowed. Always, we express our gratitude for his presence, recognizing that the good we do is his, and the evil is ours.

Jesus must have been excited to hear from the disciples about their mission activity but he also knew the importance of rest. He invited them to “come away and rest” with him. Jesus asks us to stop sometimes as well, to recharge our spiritual and emotional batteries. Our rest might be a stop in the Adoration chapel for some peaceful silence, a “time out” from the computer and phone to read a good book, a nature walk, or a literal eyes-closed rest. He asks us to do all these things “with him.” Do you rest with Him, or is there any other way you spend your rest?

Jesus and his disciples could not rest When His Heart Was Moved with Pity: Imagine the concern, the tenderness, and the compassion in Christ’s eyes, as he looked upon the crowd so in need of instruction. And what disappointment the disciples must have felt! There would be no rest for the moment. God knows what we need at all times. It doesn’t matter whether we are actively engaged in life or resting, as long as we strive to discern the Lord’s will and act accordingly.

Brethren, God's will should take precedence in our lives. We need rest but even that rest should be in Jesus and according to God's will. Many times, people in authority, especially religious leaders, tend to have designated time  for rest and need no disturbance. Jesus today challenges us that love and service of others is very fundamental not rest. We need to keep on doing the will of God without ceasing.

Reflect, today, upon the true needs of those around you. Are there people who would greatly benefit from your time and attention today? Are there needs that others have that will require you to change your plans and to give of yourself in a way that is difficult? Do not hesitate to give generously of yourself to others. In fact, this form of charity is not only transforming for those whom we serve,  it is often one of the most restful and rejuvenating activities we can also do for ourselves.

Let us Pray 

Jesus, thank you for the experience of your love and tenderness toward me. Thank you for listening to me, for receiving me whenever I come to you, and for inviting me to rest in you. Give me the strength to continue loving, even when I am tired of loving and serving. I want to simply gaze into your eyes and, from there, learn to see the people and reality around me as you do. Open my eyes and my heart. Thank you, Lord, for your shepherding love. Amen

Be blessed

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