Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Daily Catholic Reflection: Thursday, December 29, 2022, The Fifth Day in the Octave of Christmas, Year A

1 Jn. 2:3-11,

Psalm 96:1-2a.2b-3.5b-6,

Luke 2:22-35             Full Readings

Saint Thomas Becket

Jesus' Mission Revealed

Unless you do not believe in Jesus, God's graciousness and the working of the Holy Spirit, you must be covered with wonder and awe, just as I am, and as Mary and Joseph, concerning the events that happened right away from the annunciation of Jesus, his birth and after his birth. All of us have heard incredible stories of moments in which the Holy Spirit intervened in or directed these events. These events surrounding Jesus' birth are really great events that turned the salvation history around and cause of joy and unending glory and praise to God.

First there was the Annunciation to our Blessed Mother (the Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you” (Luke 1:35). Then the angel appeared to Joseph in a dream before and after the birth of Jesus. Then the miraculous birth took place. Shepherds came to adore their child and revealed that a multitude of angels had appeared to them. Shortly after this, the Magi from the East showed up to do homage to their child. And today we are given the story of Simeon in the Temple. He spoke of the supernatural revelation he had received about this Child. Time after time, the miracle of what was taking place was placed before Mother Mary and Saint Joseph, and each time they responded with wonder and awe. As Mary and Joseph were filled with wonder and awe, these should fill us too because of Christmas, but we should not stop here, but also go ahead and praise God for his wonderful love he has shown to us his people just as Simeon (and Ana) did.

In today's gospel, we see that after eight days of the birth of Jesus, he had to be presented to the Lord as the law demanded and as Mary and Joseph took him to the temple, Simeon held him in his hands and prophesied and revealed his mission. The newborn baby is to be the light of the nations, the salvation for all, he is destined for the fall and rising of many (those who will accept him will be raised up and those who reject him will surely fall). Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord? If yes, then live according to his commandments and his teachings. St John in the first reading states that anyone who says I know and love God and does not keep his commandments is a liar, but whoever obeys God's commandments, God's love comes into perfection in him or her. Therefore, if you say you have welcomed Jesus, the newborn king in your life and that you love God, then follow his commandments and show that love to the neighbours.

Beloved friends, what is the significance of Simeon's encounter with the baby Jesus and his mother in the temple? Simeon was a just and devout man who was very much in tune with the Holy Spirit. He believed that the Lord would return to his temple and renew his chosen people. The Holy Spirit also revealed to him that the Messiah and King of Israel would also bring salvation to the Gentile nations. When Joseph and Mary presented the baby Jesus in the temple, Simeon immediately recognized this humble child of Bethlehem as the fulfilment of all the messianic prophecies, hopes, and prayers. Inspired by the Holy Spirit he prophesied that Jesus was to be "a revealing light to the Gentiles.'' The Holy Spirit reveals the presence of the Lord to those who are receptive and eager to receive him. 

Simeon saw with his eyes the return of the glory of God in the temple, that is Jesus, and so Jesus is the new temple (John 1:14; 2:19-22). In the Old Testament God manifested his presence in the "pillar of cloud" by day and the "pillar of fire" by night as he led them through the wilderness. God's glory visibly came to dwell over the ark and the tabernacle (Exodus 40:34-38). When the first temple was built in Jerusalem God's glory came to rest there (1 Kings 8). After the first temple was destroyed, Ezekiel saw God's glory leave it (Ezekiel 10). But God promised one day to fill it with even greater glory (Haggai 2:1-9; Zechariah 8-9). That promise is fulfilled when the "King of Glory" himself comes to his temple (Psalm 24:7-10; Malachi 3:1). Through Jesus' coming in the flesh and through his saving death, resurrection, and ascension we are made living temples of his Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 3:16-17) and when we follow his commandments of loving Him and our neighbours in everything we do, and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us always, His glory also dwells in us. What a wonderful grace and favour Jesus did for us by his coming on earth as a child on Christmas and died for us on the cross and then resurrected giving us victory over sins and death making us His temples for the dwelling of God’s glory! Ask the Lord to renew your faith in the indwelling presence of his Spirit within you. And give him thanks and praise for coming to make his home with you.

Apart from Simeon revealing the mission of Jesus, he also reveals the sorrow which Mary will pass through, as the sword is going to pierce her soul. Mary receives both a crown of joy and a cross of sorrow. Simeon blessed Mary and Joseph and he prophesied to Mary about the destiny of this child and the suffering she would undergo for his sake. There is a certain paradox for those blessed by the Lord. Mary was given the blessedness of being the mother of the Son of God. That blessedness also would become a sword which pierced her heart as her Son died upon the cross. She received both a crown of joy and a cross of sorrow. But her joy was not diminished by her sorrow because it was fueled by her faith, hope, and trust in God and his promises. Jesus promised his disciples that "no one will take your joy from you" (John 16:22). The Lord gives us a supernatural joy through the Holy Spirit which enables us to bear any sorrow or pain and which neither life nor death can take away. 

As John Paul II describes it, Mary “responded with faithful obedience to every request of God, to every motion of the Holy Spirit.” As she stands here at the presentation of her firstborn son, she now hears words spoken to her through the Spirit’s instrument: “Behold, this child is destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be contradicted (and you yourself a sword will pierce) so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed." We see, today, that Mary acquiesces to the Holy Spirit and accepts the foretold suffering far in advance.  Is there any reason why we shouldn’t accept the promptings of the Holy Spirit and the mission he reveals to us daily? Are there any obstacles that the Holy Spirit would find in our lives? He should be the soul’s gentle guest. But how do we foster this friendship with the Holy Spirit? We have to bring silence into our hearts to distinguish his voice from the noise of so many worldly voices trying to drown out his word, and it also means we have to be docile and obedient once we have heard it.

Let us Pray 

Lord Jesus, you are my hope and my life. May I never cease to place all my trust in you. Fill me with the joy and strength of the Holy Spirit that I may boldly point others to your saving presence and words of everlasting life. Amen 

Be blessed

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