Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Daily Catholic Reflection: Wednesday, December 28, 2022, Feast of the Holy Innocents, martyrs, Year A

1 John 1:5-2:2,


Matthew 2:13-18               Full Readings

Holy Innocents

Protect the Innocents

Brethren, today we celebrate the feast day of the Holy innocents who were killed by Herod as he sought to kill Jesus whom he saw as a great threat to his kingship. Just because of Jesus' love, he died and saved from our sins, almost the only thing of which babies are capable is love. In considering these babies as martyrs the Church is suggesting that in their love, they offered their lives in place of the life of the baby Jesus. Chromatius (died 406 AD) comments: "In Bethlehem therefore all the babies were slain. These innocents who died then on Christ's behalf became the first martyrs of Christ. David refers to them when he says, 'From the mouths of nursing babies you have perfected praise because of your enemies, that you might bring ruin to the enemy' (Psalm 8:2). ... For in this persecution even tiny infants and nursing babies were killed on Christ's behalf and attained to the consummate praise of martyrs. Meanwhile the wicked king Herod was destroyed, he who had usurped the realm to defend himself against the king of the heavens. Thus it is that those blessed babes have deservedly lasted beyond others. They were the first who were worthy to die on Christ's behalf."(excerpt from TRACTATE ON MATTHEW 6.2).

The story of the flight into Egypt is not the first time in the Bible where God shows us what he is able to accomplish when human weakness and even sin come into the picture. Remember Joseph and the coloured tunic story in the Old Testament. There are a few parallels between the two stories. Both stories ended in Egypt and both Josephs were led there by dreams. Both times their stay in Egypt was brought about by others’ sin. Joseph in the Old Testament was sold as a slave because his brothers were jealous. St. Joseph, in the New Testament story, led the Holy Family to Egypt because of Herod’s jealousy. As we think about how hard it must have been for the Holy Family to flee to an unknown land, we can remember that evil doesn’t have the last word in God’s plan. Divine Providence, in both cases, integrated mysterious human ways into the great story of salvation.

Matthew also wanted to show Jesus as being the fulfilment of the tradition of Israel. So he saw Jesus not only as Messiah but also as a second Moses, the founder of a new People of God and the giver of a new Law, the Sermon on the Mount. This is also represented in the childhood of Jesus, for which he carefully draws parallels with the childhood of Moses. When each was born, the king (Pharaoh or Herod) was afraid of a rival and determined to eliminate the child, consulting his wise men about his location.  A number of Jewish babies were killed. Both Jesus and Moses (as a young man) had to go into exile to escape death. Both were eventually informed by an angel that it was safe to return, ‘for those who sought to kill you/the child are dead’ (Exodus 4.19 or Matthew 2.20). All these show that neither Satan nor sin cannot stand in God's own divine plan; His plan will never be tempered with. 

Who can explain suffering, especially the suffering of innocent children? Herod's massacre of children who gave their lives for a person and a truth they did not know seemed so useless and unjust. What a scandal and stumbling block for those who can't recognize God's redeeming love. Why couldn't God prevent this slaughter? Suffering is indeed a mystery. No explanation seems to satisfy our human craving to understand. Perhaps, it is because of the freedom God gave us; human beings have freedom even up to killing God himself; people crucified Jesus who was God. That is the freedom God gave us and he respects. However, we also need to know that God brings out something greater and good from all these evils, which gives us more reason to trust in him even in our sufferings and unfair situations.

Brethren, doesn't the massacre of these Holy Innocents still happen today? Yes it still happens, and even more, though not in the sense of Herod. Today's massacre of children is done through abortion where very many children have lost their lives. Remember life starts at conception, so any abortion kills an Innocent soul. More massacres are through neglect of children by parents, starving them to death, corporal punishments, child abuse and very many others. Our duty is to protect these innocents.

Brethren, there is a reason why God chose Joseph to protect Jesus; God would have used his heavenly army and Angels to protect him. But the fact that he chose Joseph gives us a responsibility too to protect the Holy innocents, the children. God uses us and so we must be ready to protect the children from any harm, even death. It is your responsibility, it's my responsibility, let us act and protect children. 

Reflect today on the death of the Holy innocents in the world today. How does it sound in your ears? And what about in the ears of God? Let's stand up and take up the responsibility of protecting these innocents starting from the parents, government which passes laws on abortion and to everyone. Pray for the Spirit to give you courage for this responsibility.

Let us Pray

Lord, you chose St Joseph to protect the child Jesus by fleeing to Egypt and you have chosen us for the same task to protect all the children, shower us with your grace and Spirit so that we may stand courageous in the face of this world while we protect the children. Amen 

Be blessed

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