Sunday, August 13, 2023

Daily catholic Reflection: Monday, August 14, 2023, Memorial of Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Priest and Martyr

Mt 17:22-27                      Full Readings

Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe

Where to Compromise

Jesus did not only preach and live the kingdom of God alone, but he also showed an example of how we should live socially and even politically. In one instance he told us to give what belongs to Caesar to him and what belongs to God to God in a way of teaching us to always follow and give the demands of the state. In today's Gospel, Jesus instructs Peter to go fishing and open the mouth of the first fish caught, get a shekel and pay the tax which every male Jew was supposed to pay for upkeep of the temple. Jesus was not supposed to pay this tax because kings' sons are exempt from paying taxes, so Jesus was not obligated to pay a tax to a temple belonging to his Father. But "so as not to offend these people," Jesus makes this unique and only miracle in the gospels from which he benefits.

Jesus teaches us today that not every war is to be fought. Certainly, we cannot compromise on the truth, but we can and ought to compromise on more trivial and unimportant demands of others rather than allowing conflicts to rise for foolish reasons or in a way of stepping in our way of spreading the Gospel of Christ. For instance, if a priest is rushing for mass and us over speeding, he must be able to pay the fine summoned on him though he is a priest and is going for the service of the people. Such a thing should not bring any unnecessary conflict or a fight. We sometimes turn trivial concerns into major issues but, we, as Christians, need to keep our eyes on what is important in life and not allow ourselves to be drawn into these foolish battles.   

Secondly, as leaders and everyone indeed, we must be good examples to others. What Jesus had in mind is that they must pay so as not to cause bad example. In fact, we must go beyond our duty in order that we may show others what they ought to do. The scriptural expression to give no offence doesn't refer to insult or annoyance - rather it means to put no stumbling block in the way of another that would cause them to trip or fall. Jesus would not allow himself anything which might possibly be a bad example to someone else. That's why Jesus was always challenging the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and the scribes who out heavy burdens of the law on the shoulders of others while themselves cannot lay a finger on them. We must be able to show others what to do through our actions, not just mere words. 

Reflect today on how you compromise in life. What do you normally compromise? Compromising is only applicable to trivial things which can result in a big battle and even stand in your way to the service of God; otherwise, nothing else should ever be compromised, especially the truth and the Gospel. Learn from Jesus.

Let us Pray.

Help me always by your Spirit and grace, Lord Jesus, to learn from you not only the knowledge of the kingdom of God but also the wisdom of living together with others in a social and political society.


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