Monday, August 14, 2023

Daily Catholic Reflection: Tuesday, August 15, 2023, Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

LK 1:39-56             Full Readings                   See Vigil Readings

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

God Raises those Who Glorify Him

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of Assumption of Mary into heaven, one of the greatest feasts of the Catholic Church. We remember when Mary was taken into heaven with her body just as her Son ascended into heaven after his resurrection. The Blessed Virgin Mary completed her life on earth, she was taken body and soul into Heaven to be with her resurrected Son so as to adore the Most Holy Trinity forever. It’s an amazing fact to consider that she retains her body and soul, united as one in Heaven, in anticipation of that glorious day when the new Heavens and Earth will be created and when all the faithful will rise so as to live in a new bodily form forever with God.

Mary is now the queen of heaven and earth, indeed watching over us and protecting us from sin and evil one. The vision of the Woman giving birth and of the huge red Dragon, in the first reading, is bewilderingly rich in biblical symbolism. Firstly, the context of the Book of Revelation is the struggle between the Church and the demands of Roman paganism, particularly the demand that all should worship the Emperor as God. The purpose of Revelation is to reassure the faithful of victory, despite the threat of martyrdom. The Woman represents Israel, the people of God, who gives birth to a son, the true ruler of the universe. The Dragon, of great sagacity and immense power, is the Roman Empire. The son is unhesitatingly whipped up to heaven in triumph, frustrating the evil Dragon of its prey and issuing immediately in the hymn of triumph. The perspective is, of course, foreshortened, omitting the details of Christ’s earthly life, to show the certainty of the son’s triumph.

Secondarily, tradition sees in the Woman the earthly mother of the Saviour, Mary, mother of Jesus and mother of the Church, who triumphs over all the powers of evil. The secondary symbolism, therefore, is that Mary is the great sign in heaven of triumph over evil. Evil has no hold on Mary, and her children are sure of victory. What a great blessing to have Mary as our mother, for with her we are victorious!

Christ is the first-born from the dead. In him all will be brought to life, but all in their proper order. Mary is the first after her Son, and raised by her Son because she is part of his Body, the Church. The perfection of the Mother of the Saviour is won for her by her Son. It is not easy for someone to be taken directly to heaven just like that with body and soul, but what was so special with Mary? Mary is the mother of Christ, the Immaculate one who is the only person known as far as our faith tells us, born without original sin, which means he was prepared by God before coming conception to carry the Son of God, she had what we call, Preservative Grace. Our Blessed Mother was Immaculate, that is without sin.

More still, though Mary did not know that she was chosen to bear the Son of God, she had lived a very holy, chaste and a humble life while preserving her virginity. Her life was really pleasing, and her humility made her have that grace of bearing the son of God and taking care of him. Mary's soul never stopped glorifying God in whatever circumstances even at the most sorrowful experience in her life when she saw her son die on the cross. Since God raise those who glorify him and the humble of heart, Mary was taken to heaven and today we remember her and celebrate her. No wonder she said all generations will call her blessed. This solemnity is one of seventeen different memorials, feasts and solemnities in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary that are found on the Roman Liturgical Calendar and one of the four great Solemnities by which our Blessed Mother is honored. Obviously, no other person other than our Lord is honored and celebrated with as much solemnity as the Mother of God. 

The Gospel presents to us the love Mary had for her sister Elizabeth as she went to visit her. She is a perfect example of the love we should have as brothers and sisters in blood and all in Christ. When she greeted Elizabeth, John the Baptist who was in the womb of Elizabeth leapt and this divine communication between John and Jesus gave them a special Mission which was to save humanity.

We also see the song of Mary. This song, usually called Magnificat, is said every evening in our church prayers and is a song glorifying God for the mighty deeds which he had done in her life. It also reminds us that each day of our lives we should keep glorifying God for who we are and what he has given us. This glorification should be guided by humility and willingness to do the will for God just as Mary did for the Lord raises the lowly and scatters proud hearted. 

Indeed, through Mary’s song of praise, her Magnificat, she not only gives the greatest glory to God but also reveals who she is. She is the one whom “all generations” will call “blessed.” She is the one for whom “the Almighty has done great things.” She is the one who will eternally proclaim “the greatness of the Lord” and whose spirit will forever rejoice in God her Savior. And she is that lowliest of servants whom God has raised up to the greatest glory. Mary always invites us and intercedes for us so that we may also share in her blessedness here on earth and at last meet her in heaven to eternally glorify and praise God. How are we responding to Mary's invitation today?

The Assumption of Mary is joy to us brethren because she is there in heaven as a queen and our mother and always interceding for us when we pray through her. When Pius XII defined the dogma of the Assumption on November 1, 1950, it was a cause of great joy throughout the Catholic world. Believed for centuries, it entered the realm of official Catholic dogma. Our Lady is brought to heaven to share in the glory and joy of her Son and our Lord. We have always looked to Mary as our mother, and so the feast of the Assumption continues to fill us with happiness. 

Today let us rejoice in this happiness and ask Mary to always pray for us and show us her motherly love. Also reflect on how you glorify God daily. Is it accompanied by humility as Mary did? Pray for the Holy Spirit that you may always be humble, glorify the Lord and be ready to say Yes to his call as Mary did. We are all invited today to devote ourselves to Mary by praying the rosary or if not, pray as many Hail Mary's as possible. 

Let us Pray

May we who celebrate the assumption Mary mother our Mother and queen be filled with joy, and may we always enjoy the fruits of our prayers which we pray through Mary our mother. Amen.

May Mary intercede for us.

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